START EU FOOD INDUSTRY Recent position papers CIAA Manifesto on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
CIAA Manifesto on Diet, Physical Activity and Health

CIAA Manifesto on Diet, Physical Activity and Health


There is a broad consensus that causes of obesity and its related diseases are multifactorial (diet, sedentary lifestyles, genetics, socio-economic factors, etc).

CIAA – the Confederation of the food and drink industries of the European Union - believes that the responsibility of addressing the problem of obesity must involve the active participation of many stakeholders including governments, research, health professionals, retailers, consumers and the media as well as the food industry. CIAA emphasises the fact that every food can play a role in a balanced diet.

Combating obesity will require multiple strategies, the integrated efforts of many sectors and long term resolve. Any intervention must be evidence based and will require involvement of several sectors due to the multifactorial nature of the problem.

Nutrition makes an important contribution to public health and the CIAA is committed to doing its part along with all stakeholders to improving the situation. CIAA recognises that the increasing prevalence of obesity is a challenge for society. CIAA considers it essential to look at other obesity-related factors such as, for instance, insufficient city planning (playgrounds and physical activity spaces), lack of suitable meals in schools, loss of favourable dietary habits due to new life patterns, etc.

CIAA strongly believes that improved public health education on nutrition and healthy lifestyles is urgently needed in order to solve current health problems. This would enable consumers to take responsibility for making healthy choices. It will also be the basis for understanding and making use of product information provided by the industry. Education should also include information on the role of physical activity in the context of a healthy lifestyle.

For many years, the food and drink industries have made nutrition and health a priority, which have become a driving force for industry research and development.

The success of the European food and drink industry depends on understanding consumers, providing products that meet their requirements and communicating with them. This knowledge and understanding of the consumer makes us well equipped to work for their benefit collaboratively with legislators and relevant partners.

Contribution of the food and drink industry

The European food and drink industry comprises new as well as long established businesses, which build their success on providing consumers with reliable, safe, affordable and enjoyable food. These businesses depend on relationships of trust with their consumers, which they have an interest in maintaining.

CIAA’s Manifesto on Diet, Physical Activity and Health sets out the European food and drink manufacturing industry’s ‘guiding principles’/’strategic objectives’ to work constructively with consumers, legislators and other partners to help find solutions to the complex issues surrounding obesity and the food and health debate generally.

Several areas have already been identified where the food and drink industry, working with the rest of the food chain, the advertising industry and other partners, will concentrate their efforts.

1. Partnership

CIAA encourages its members to work with other stakeholders, including public health authorities, healthcare, educational, governmental and other organisations to promote improved nutrition, healthy diets and physical activity.

2. Public education, healthy lifestyles and physical activity programmes

CIAA encourages its members to :

• participate, together with the rest of the food chain actors, advertising industries and other stakeholders, in campaigns of public education on healthy eating, healthy lifestyles and physical activity.
• promote healthy lifestyle programmes in the community where feasible
• establish and promote healthy workplace schemes on diet and lifestyle

3. Informative labelling

CIAA encourages its members to provide responsible and helpful communication about their food and drink products. The information must be clear, scientifically sound and easy to understand so that the consumer can readily assess the role of a specific food product in the context of a balanced diet.

CIAA is committed to working constructively with legislators and other stakeholders to ensure the availability of clear nutritional information.

CIAA encourages its members to provide where practicable and meaningful to consumers:
• nutritional information.
• clear and user-friendly nutrition labelling.

4. Advertising and marketing to children

CIAA encourages its members to
• apply responsible advertising practices, primarily through adherence to stringent codes of conduct at global, regional or national level.
• work with relevant partners on questions related to advertising and marketing to children.

CIAA encourages its members to implement the CIAA Principles of Food and Beverage Product Advertising and to seek for their incorporation into national self-regulatory codes of conduct as appropriate.

5. Products and choice

CIAA encourages its members to:
• use existing scientific knowledge and technological expertise to continue to offer and further produce enjoyable, good tasting, nutritious, convenient foods – provided they are legal and safe - which make it easier for consumers to make appropriate food choices and to follow a diet suitable for their individual lifestyle and physical activity levels,
• continue to increase the range of food products with different energy content and different portion sizes to help consumers to adjust their purchases to meet individual requirements.

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